HR Services and Interim Management
The objective of a HR strategy is to get motivated and effective employees in the right position.
Sounds simple – but it isn’t.
Interim and project management
Using an interim management for the times with a high workload or unforeseen exceptional situations can be bridged successfully and efficiently. However, experienced and flexible interim managers at the upper management level are rare.
Interim Management?
Why have an external interim manager – I have internal resources?
Will an external line manager be accepted?
In the following situations, hiring an external interim manager is an excellent solution! He can be deployed optimally, both in terms of time and cost.
- Unavailable resources with sufficient experience at this management level
- Change of management
- Ongoing reorganisation
- Training, leave of absence or illness
- Temporary projects with high priority
- Of course – at first glance, this is the best solution and should be aimed for in the case of optimum occupation and capacity. However, temporary additional tasks are mostly very difficult to distribute, especially at the top management level – if not dangerous. Often, in such overworked times, the most fatal misguided decisions are taken.
- In such phases, hiring an experienced interim manager is the best solution. Whether it is to manage a team or a department, support the management temporarily or to lead a project. The management support can be guaranteed at short notice, and as it is an agreed temporary deployment, these placements are always an enrichment.
- In my personal experience, I have found that these placements are very valued and taken positively. They bring a breath of fresh air and a new approach. In addition, an interim manager is absolutely neutral and can make valuable suggestions for improvements, mostly from a completely different angle.
- As a Senior Managing Director with wide management and project responsibility in various areas, I would be happy to support you during tight situations, in a flexible and straightforward way.

HR strategy
What does optimal HR look like?
It cannot be standardised. Too many important factors play a role here, such as size, orientation, diversity and internationality of your company. HR should not become an isolated, process-oriented “controlling unit”. HR must bear strategic responsibility at every stage.
Too often, HR gets involved too late and is running behind in the whole process – which can ultimately have a negative influence on the whole performance of the company.
How can I support you?
- In almost all areas of HR. I was Managing Director of HR in a large international group for seven years. During this time, with its many changes, restructuring and challenges, I was able to acquire a very broad and sound knowledge.
- As an HR expert in the areas of strategy, talent management, leadership and performance management, I will support you with all of my experience.
Talent management and succession planning
It has always surpised me how impersonally medium-sized – but in particular large corporations – manage and encourage their biggest “capital”. Apart from the lack of strategic direction of HR, it is in this area that the biggest “sins of omission” are committed on every level. I am convinced that I can provide valuable support here and promote communication and added value in this area. Your talent management can become a pleasant part of the company culture and strategy within just a short period of time.
The most wonderful thing about people is that everybody is unique. Luckily, until now the cloning of people has not worked, not even in the business world. In spite of this, talent management is often structured as if all employees are the same.
Where are the biggest mistakes made in talent management?
What should professional talent management look like?
Succession planning – when and how?
How can I support you?
- You definitely cannot recognise future talent based on forms and abstract processes. Yet, in many companies today, this is exactly what the talent management is based on: the employee is advised or instructed to record their current and future goals on pre-set forms. Based on this structured data, a total budget is then created. Thereby, they believe that they have a healthy basis for “who, where, how, when…” and just one year later, the data is no longer up to date.
- In my opinion: simplicity does it – the more human – the better and more popular. However, it always starts with agreed expectations on every level. Living and breathing real talent management is intensive, but almost always pays off. This time must be made available on all sides and everyone must be aware of their personal responsibility.
- Talent management should not take place selectively, but should be understood as an ongoing, flowing, cross-organisational process. I will be happy to work on this together with you and provide professional support during the introductory phase.
- Succession planning should not be channelled under any circumstances. The areas must be broadly defined and mutual communication in the management must take place continually and straightforward.
- In addition, a realistic time frame has to be evaluated for your operation. A “blinkered succession planning”, which is too short-term or too long-term, is counterproductive in every regard.
- The big challenge in succession planning is ultimately working on an “objective simulation process”. Finding the right people here is not easy, as you never know exactly what will happen in the future.
- Very often, I find that the processes for talent management and succession planning have become deadlocked. They have grown historically and various organisational units, such as line management, talent management, HR or leadership academy, are involved. Over time, processes have been adjusted and new ones have been added. Finally, the central theme and a cohesive, fruitful cycle are missing.
- In order to make the whole process more efficient, involving a professional, neutral advisor will increase quality and creativity for sure. Due to my years of responsibility in this area, I can call upon all my experience and adapt it specifically to your company and your needs.
- In addition, I am prepared to interview internal and external candidates in the nomination/recruiting process, and assess them from a neutral point of view.

Employee satisfaction and survey
Do the employees know and embrace your company strategy? Are they satisfied with the working conditions and the management, and do they identify themselves with the success of the company? Do they believe in the future and success of your company? Or are there lots of ideas and potential which could contribute to this success – but are not recognised nor heard?
A responsible leadership should be asking themselves these questions and many others continuously.
How do you get honest feedback?
How is this implemented?
- I would advise against expensive and time-consuming electronic tools that for the best part silt up silently and quietly somewhere. In my opinion there is only one way to obtain valuable and constructive feedback: a personal discussion. Ideally, these interviews will be carried out by an absolutely neutral and trustworthy person.
- I have developed a very simple but efficient method for this, and I have already successfully used on several occasions. I can assure you – the result is impressive! Through short interviews – mostly 20 minutes – I obtain a one-off objective picture.
- In the interview, I get everyone to be very critical on the one hand, but, on the other hand, to give constructive suggestions for improvement. As the people surveyed feel comfortable and safe in this personal atmosphere, right from the beginning a positive spirit is encouraged – it shall even leave room for a good laugh!
- What is important is to communicate the results clearly and promptly to everyone involved, and inform them about the next steps. Based on the various assessments, it is then necessary to define the areas that need immediate attention. Not just top-down, but with everyone involved taking responsibility. It is important not to start too much action at once.
- It is equally important to show where your strengths lies and want to maintain a high standard.
- It is absolutely essential to regularly inform all people involved and allow them to be a part of the success!